Korg Volca Bass MIDI OUT Mod

To get the MIDI connector to safely fit without touching the PCB behind it I had to add another pair of bolts to raise it up slightly, as shown here;
…But it’s not really noticeable, and I’d rather the connector go on the front than the side so it can still be used while in the stand. If you attempt this mod, you must make sure your MIDI connector isn’t touching the other PCB otherwise you’ll probably short it out.
Overall it was a pretty easy and speedy mod, although I did have my heart in my mouth thinking I was going to write off the Volca. That’s probably because I’m pretty cheap. There was no need to worry though as it thankfully worked without problem. Just remember to work with the batteries taken out as I’d read about another guy on a forum doing this mod and had blown a SMD fuse (aka very hard to solder in a replacement). Good Luck!