JYE Tech DSO138 DIY Oscilloscope Kit and XR2206 Function Signal Generator

Banggood were having a sale (surprise!) so I picked up a JYE Tech scope and a XR2206 function generator for £20 and £7 respectively.

The DSO138 is a sweet little scope and a fun kit to boot.  Obviously it’s not going to out-perform the work of a €200+ scope (like some reviewers seem to be complaining about), so as long as your bear that in mind it’s pretty awesome and for the price it can’t be beaten;

Link to banggood website

JYE confirmed the version Banggood supplied was genuine (using the supplied registration

number), so no worries there.   Apparently there are lots of low quality fakes on ebay/Amazon that don’t actually sell for cheaper than the JYE version.  Shop with caution!

I went for the SMD pre-soldered option as I was away working when I built this…  using a less than ideal iron.  Plus I’d probably fluff up the SMD work.  Luckily the instructions given were actually very good, but there was nothing on how to build the case (which isn’t as straight forward as you might first think) but a quick search on youtube sorted this out:

The supplied cardboard box also fits the scope perfectly after building, so make sure you keep that.  Total build time was about 3 hours and (blimey!) was working upon first powering up!

Here’s some pictures of the build;

The kits come neatly packaged, however you’ll need to figure out the respective values of the parts.

Sorting the resistors using a multimeter (I don’t trust myself to remember the colour-code).

The two sided manual was easy to read and even in colour!
Luckily the hardest work had already been completed for me.
Populating the board with resistors.
Adding the buttons, diodes, oscillator etc.
Capacitors added.
The legs of the ceramic caps were not the best quality, so watch they don’t snap if you bend them a few times.
Populating the board with the remaining connectors.
Before adding the screen, you can power up the board and check the voltages are correct at various test-points around the board.  Once confirmed these are ok, you bridge a safety point with solder.
The voltages were all ok, so I didn’t need to trouble-shoot, but the manual does give a few hints if you need it.
With the screen added you could now run the scope in test mode.  It all looked good to me so I built the case and now have myself a nice little test scope.
That was the build of the JYE138 scope, looking on banggood it now looks like a ‘150’ version is available for only a couple of euros more.  I’ve no idea if it’s an improvement, but the number is bigger so it has to be, right?

XR2206 Function Signal Generator DIY Kit

While ordering the JYE scope I thought I’d pick up this little function generator at the same time.  The build was easy again except for the acrylic case, although not as much a problem as the 138.  Just looking at the pictures on banggood was enough to figure it out.
The kit arrives in a compact bag.
You’ll need to sort through the parts to figure out their values.
 Resistors added to the pcb.
Capacitors added.
…Now sockets
…Finally the buttons and connectors.
The case even has text engraved letting you see which frequency and waveform is selected.
All-in-all both kits were a great way to spend a rainy afternoon, and hopefully these modules will be of some use in the future.

By admin

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