For our first project at the Ironhack bootcamp we were asked to make a game, so, being an Englishman living in Europe, I obviously I choose a subject close to my heart: Brexit.  It was designed to be a game you couldn’t win, and also to be as confusing as possible.  It ended up winning ‘Funniest Game’ in the voting.  I’ll take that as a complement.

The game is centered on the lies the press are allowed to print and how it affects the public.  You play as Theresa May, and have to choose whether the currently displayed headline was ever actually printed in the British media.  

Things like;

“EU says dead pets must be pressure-cooked before burying”


“EU is forcing cows to wear nappies”


“EU responsible for your hay fever, May 2015”

The Daily Mail 21 May 2015

 Guess correctly and a bouncing English flag appears, which should you touch; game over (“avoid nationalism”).  You’ll need to avoid 10 of these to win.  Guess incorrectly and a bouncing beer appears.  Touch this, and your points are reduced, meaning you’ll need to further answer even more questions correctly to win.

The game was created using HTML, CSS, and Javascript (using the Phaser library).

Link to my github should you wish to try it;

By admin

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