synth – C.Media

Another Arduino Synth

Here’s an unfinished synth I found in the drawer. I promise I’ll go back and finish it one day, but…

PT2399 Quad Reverb

I constructed 4x PT2399 stock reverbs and joined them together. Sadly I forgot to record any of the results. Sorry.

Random Synths

Some random synths and things from when I first started out building them…

Helios-One Arduino Synth – Part 1

**Update** The full build guide is now available here: **End of update** ************************************************* Part 2 now available; ************************************************* This…

Stella Synth

This is one of the projects in the amazing book ‘Arduino For Musicians’ by Brent Edstrom. I had a bit…

02 Drum Machine Update 2 (?!)

OK, so I’ve had ten finished drum machine sitting in boxes for well over a year, but I’ve been exceptionally…

DIY Volca Mixer Schematic

I’ve not had time to get the PCBs made yet, but here’s a more clear schematic for the Vixer Volca…

Jasper Synth Wasp Clone

Jasper Wasp Clone has now been finished, check out some gratuitous build photos below; The finished Synth The parts have…