02 Drum Machine Update 2 (?!) – C.Media

OK, so I’ve had ten finished drum machine sitting in boxes for well over a year, but I’ve been exceptionally busy, so I’ve not had time to put them up for sale 🙂  I will do soon I promise, plus I’ll email all the people that requested one.  Here’s a bit of an update of what happened between that time;

Awaiting finishing


Making a PCB in Kicad
PCBs arrived
It works!
Designing the front panel

A trip to the Baumarkt to find wood
Carefully cutting out the case

Making a test machine

Four types of case size were considered
I settled on a thinner wood in the end
Support struts added

PCBs going into ‘mass production’. 10 of them.
Chips waiting to be burned
Laser cutting the front panels
Panels waiting to be finished
Wire Forest!

Awaiting finishing

I’ll take some photos of the finished machines as soon as I get a chance.  Cheers & thanks for your patience!

By admin

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